Residual gutta-percha (GP) can hide biofilm or uninstrumented canals. Remove remaining GP by using the GP removal instrument (TRFK-GPR) by piercing the gutta-percha with the arrow-shaped barb. This instrument is part of the Terauchi File Retrieval Kit (TRFK) but can be purchased separately as it is a useful tool for retreatment not involving separated instruments.
The sellers recommend you buy at least 2 instruments so that you have a spare in case one of the instruments is being autoclaved while you perform another retreatment.
Please click here for TFRK instruction manual.
The current DE Labs cost as of 15 March 2020 is 65 USD. The "Compare at price" is the potential cost if you bought this single item direct from the supplier with the cost of international postage, exchange rate, transaction fees and taxes.
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Product code: TFRK-GPR